For Sale By Owner North Ward, Qld 4810
North Ward, Qld 4810
Offers over 295K
Phone enquiry code for this property : 3665
Aquarius Top floor studio , with the best views in Townsville, parking is in the communal car park at rear of the building.
Fully furnished and ready for new owner , currently managed by owner with outstanding returns high occupancy high demand. Rates are $3300 PA BC fees $10600PA yes expensive but still cash flow positive, self managed with Airbnb and other providers. Unit comes fully furnished, make $$$ from day 1 no lag time.
Offers over 285K cash buyers only , as it is very tough to get finance for these studios. Note owner is happy to wait till market catches up.
Phone enquiry code for this property : 3665
Aquarius Top floor studio , with the best views in Townsville, parking is in the communal car park at rear of the building.
Fully furnished and ready for new owner , currently managed by owner with outstanding returns high occupancy high demand. Rates are $3300 PA BC fees $10600PA yes expensive but still cash flow positive, self managed with Airbnb and other providers. Unit comes fully furnished, make $$$ from day 1 no lag time.
Offers over 285K cash buyers only , as it is very tough to get finance for these studios. Note owner is happy to wait till market catches up.
Phone enquiry code for this property : 3665