For Sale By Owner Clarkson, WA 6030
Clarkson, WA 6030
Phone enquiry code for this property : 2613
4 x 2 House with pool double garage,jarrah outside entertainment area,rear shed,built in robes, ensuite main bedroom,open spacious kitchen. Study/computer open area off kitchen, reticulation, split system air conditioning main living area. Close to Ocean keys shopping center,5miniutes to train station & beach,close to public transport on large 648 sqm block.
Phone enquiry code for this property : 2613
4 x 2 House with pool double garage,jarrah outside entertainment area,rear shed,built in robes, ensuite main bedroom,open spacious kitchen. Study/computer open area off kitchen, reticulation, split system air conditioning main living area. Close to Ocean keys shopping center,5miniutes to train station & beach,close to public transport on large 648 sqm block.
Phone enquiry code for this property : 2613