For Sale By Owner Thursday Island, Qld 4875
Thursday Island, Qld 4875
Offers over $1.6M
Phone enquiry code for this property : 3054
Prime, unique waterfront property.
Three bedrooms, one bathroom, and a study with breathtaking views.
You also get a two bedroom apartment and the rear of the property with its own kitchen and bathroom.
You can also lease the groundfloor for around $6000 - $8000 monthly to a coffee shop operator, or you can run a coffee/bakery business yourself.
Average overall condition.
Phone enquiry code for this property : 3054
Prime, unique waterfront property.
Three bedrooms, one bathroom, and a study with breathtaking views.
You also get a two bedroom apartment and the rear of the property with its own kitchen and bathroom.
You can also lease the groundfloor for around $6000 - $8000 monthly to a coffee shop operator, or you can run a coffee/bakery business yourself.
Average overall condition.
Phone enquiry code for this property : 3054