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Bowen, Qld 4805


Phone Enquiry ID: 227609

Ill health is forcing the sale of this 4.8 Ha barramundi /red claw farm.
The property has a large house- 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, country kitchen, office, lounge and back deck. (180sqm under roof)
Large machinery shed.
2.5 ha of grow out ponds:
There are three grow out ponds measuring 100mx35mx3m deep when dug out
Another two grow out ponds measuring 50 mx35mx3m
One pond is 70m x 70m with an island in the middle.
There is a water storage dam 80m x80m x5m
The ponds are kept full by two solar powered bore pumps. Heaps of underground water only 6 metres down.
Please note: The Property has no operating business.
The price is for house and land and earth works. There are no fish or redclaw in the ponds.

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