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Crawley, WA 6009

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To enquire, please email or call 1300 815 051 and enter code 9064

For a heartstopping 360 degree panorama that encompasses the confluence of two rivers, acres of parkland, the skyline of Perth, exquisitely picturesque sections of river bank and postcard-worthy aerial views of some iconic buildings – you must visit the penthouse at Crawley Gardens.

For some, the word 'penthouse' implies life in and around a vibrant city and a pulse that beats around the clock. But not all. Others look forward to escaping from a busy life into a completely secure world of privacy and luxurious tranquillity where they can relax and restore their spirit. Comprising of 400sqm ultra-spacious internal areas and four balconies.

At ground level, a secured entry and attractive marbled foyer welcome you to Crawley Gardens. The Penthouse occupies the entire top level of the building. It's all about the views and the magnificent environment provided by this prime location.
The Penthouse is not only a superb home but, after expert study, it was awarded the highest possible Feng Shui rating of ten out of ten for personal and financial success. The present owners, with broad smiles, will only say their penthouse has absolutely lived up to expectations.

As one of the earliest multi-storey residential buildings in Perth, Crawley Gardens was built to impress with high ceilings, large rooms and highest quality materials and fittings. For example, every door is solid timber. Each room can access a balcony and the many windows bring in natural light and capture a breeze from any point of the compass.

The interior has been extremely well maintained with the original character still to be seen in some rooms. Bathrooms have been modernised, with the original Italian marble as stunning as ever. The kitchen has all of today's indispensable fixtures and the enchanting master bathroom can boast a view from the shower that may well be the best in Perth.

The present owners installed a major new air-conditioning unit It is worth every penny.

The open-plan living area has an uninterrupted floor-to-ceiling glass wall the full width of the western boundary. Supporting pillars are located back from the view so as not to distract the eye from the colours and activity of the River. This area contains a TV niche, dining room, lounge room and (currently) two office desks – one at each end. Why not? The opposite wall is all superbly crafted white lacquered storage and display cabinetry.

Giving this complex any other name is unimaginable. The gardens are wonderland. Magnificent trees tower above lawns, ferns, flowering plants and shrubs and a small pathway winds past a picturesque gazebo where a cup of tea or a gin and tonic would be even more enjoyable. Then, it's on to the glamorous swimming pool.

This irresistible penthouse can now be home for a fortunate new owner to enjoy all the promise of an exceptionally auspicious property.

To enquire, please email or call 1300 815 051 and enter code 9064

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