Goulburn, NSW 2580
$620,000 to $640,000
The phone enquiry code for this property is - 1502
* Flat 2000m2 Block, Save $$ in building costs,
* No major excavation needed or wont have concerns for hitting rock.
* Already Fenced so no extra fencing costs.
* Excellent walking and bike tracks close by.
* Regarded by most agents as the nicest area collection of Newly built large properties, in Goulburn.
* Realestate is all about Location, Location and Location, well look no further this is prime realestate.
* No need to have neighbours in your pocket and a house crammed on a tiny block.
* Build your dream home with room to move and enoy it, your unlikely to over capitilise here in this area.
* Small blocks lose their value and if you purchase a cheap tiny block you could end up stuck in with housing
commision low end properties.
* Flat 2000m2 Block, Save $$ in building costs,
* No major excavation needed or wont have concerns for hitting rock.
* Already Fenced so no extra fencing costs.
* Excellent walking and bike tracks close by.
* Regarded by most agents as the nicest area collection of Newly built large properties, in Goulburn.
* Realestate is all about Location, Location and Location, well look no further this is prime realestate.
* No need to have neighbours in your pocket and a house crammed on a tiny block.
* Build your dream home with room to move and enoy it, your unlikely to over capitilise here in this area.
* Small blocks lose their value and if you purchase a cheap tiny block you could end up stuck in with housing
commision low end properties.