For Sale By Owner Bingil Bay, Qld 4852
Bingil Bay, Qld 4852
The phone enquiry code for this property is - 1206
. 5 bedroom
. 2.5 bathrooms
. Newly renovated.
. Pool
. Large separate shed
. Permanent creek
. 4.8 hectares
Disclaimer: is a licensed, commission-free agency offering For Sale By Owner (FSBO) services to Australian homeowners. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this advertisement, prospective buyers or tenants should take necessary steps to verify any relevant details to their satisfaction.
. 5 bedroom
. 2.5 bathrooms
. Newly renovated.
. Pool
. Large separate shed
. Permanent creek
. 4.8 hectares
Disclaimer: is a licensed, commission-free agency offering For Sale By Owner (FSBO) services to Australian homeowners. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this advertisement, prospective buyers or tenants should take necessary steps to verify any relevant details to their satisfaction.