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For Sale By Owner Nannup, WA 6275

Nannup, WA 6275

$2,600,000 'offers above'

The phone enquiry code for this property is - 1411

This special property is located in the Blackwood River Valley on Tourist Drive 451 adjacent to the Blackwood River. The property comprises 1 large 6 bedroom, 4 bathroom guest house plus 2 separate cedar cottages on 4.486 hectares of improved land including garden. The current owners have run the business for 23 years. Ideal investment for change of lifestyle couple running a well organised business. Live on the property and run the established self-contained business. It's for sale as walk in walk out. Located 15 kms from Nannup and 25 from Balingup in the heart of the Blackwood Valley.

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